The following journals are available in full-text via our databases:
Acta Koreana SOCINDEX 1520-7412
Acta Sociologica (Taylor & Francis Ltd) SOCINDEX 0001-6993
Acta Universitatis Sapientiae – Social Analysis SOCINDEX 2069-7449
Addiction SOCINDEX 0965-2140
Addiction Research SOCINDEX 1058-6989
Addiction Research & Theory SOCINDEX 1606-6359
Administration in Social Work SOCINDEX 0364-3107
Administrative Science Quarterly SOCINDEX 0001-8392
Adolescence SOCINDEX 0001-8449
Adoption Quarterly SOCINDEX 1092-6755
AFER: African Ecclesial Review. ATLAS 0250-4650
Africa Insight SOCINDEX 0256-2804
Africa Spectrum SOCINDEX 0002-0397
Africa Today SOCINDEX 0001-9887
African Diaspora: Transnational Journal of Culture, Economy & Society SOCINDEX 1872-5457
African Journal of Criminology & Justice Studies SOCINDEX 1554-3897
African Nebula SOCINDEX 1837-7963
African Population Studies SOCINDEX 0850-5780
African Studies SOCINDEX 0002-0184
Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Social Sciences SOCINDEX 1302-1265
Ageing International SOCINDEX 0163-5158
Aging & Mental Health SOCINDEX 1360-7863
AIDS Education & Prevention SOCINDEX 0899-9546
AJS Review. ATLAS 0364-0094
Alcoholism & Psychiatry Research SOCINDEX 1849-8582
Alcoholism: Journal on Alcoholism & Related Addictions SOCINDEX 0002-502X
Alpha Kappa Delta Quarterly SOCINDEX
Alpha Kappa Deltan SOCINDEX
Alternate Routes SOCINDEX 0702-8865
American Baptist Quarterly. ATLAS 0745-3698
American Catholic Sociological Review SOCINDEX 0362-515X
American Journal of Community Psychology SOCINDEX 0091-0562
American Journal of Criminal Justice SOCINDEX 1066-2316
American Journal of Criminal Law SOCINDEX 0092-2315
American Journal of Drug & Alcohol Abuse SOCINDEX 0095-2990
American Journal of Economics & Sociology SOCINDEX 0002-9246
American Journal of Family Law SOCINDEX 0891-6330
American Journal of Family Therapy SOCINDEX 0192-6187
American Journal of Public Health SOCINDEX 0090-0036
American Journal of Sociology SOCINDEX 0002-9602
American Sociological Review SOCINDEX 0003-1224
American Sociologist SOCINDEX 0003-1232
American Theological Inquiry: A Biannual Journal of Theology, Culture, & History. ATLAS 1942-2709
American Theological Library Association Summary of Proceedings. ATLAS 0066-0868
Americana (1553-8931) SOCINDEX 1553-8931
Analise Social SOCINDEX 0003-2573
Analyses of Social Issues & Public Policy SOCINDEX 1529-7489
Andamios SOCINDEX 1870-0063
Andover Newton Quarterly. ATLAS 0003-2972
Andover Newton Review. ATLAS 2150-0355
Andover Review (Boston, Mass.). ATLAS 2156-2369
Anglican Theological Review. ATLAS 0003-3286
Anglican Theological Review. Supplement Series. ATLAS 0097-4951
Anima: The Journal of Human Experience. ATLAS 0097-1146
Annali di storia dell’esegesi. ATLAS 1120-4001
Annals of the American Association of Geographers SOCINDEX 2469-4452
Annals of the Association of American Geographers SOCINDEX 0004-5608
Annual of Rabbinic Judaism. ATLAS 1388-0365
Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics. ATLAS 0732-4928
Annual Review of Anthropology SOCINDEX 0084-6570
Annual Review of Sex Research SOCINDEX 1053-2528
Annual Review of Sociology SOCINDEX 0360-0572
Anthropology Magazine SOCINDEX 1452-7243
Anthropology of Work Review SOCINDEX 0883-024X
Anthropology Southern Africa (Anthropology Southern Africa) SOCINDEX 0258-0144
Anthropology Today SOCINDEX 0268-540X
Anthropos: Casopis za Psihologijo in Filozofijo ter za Sodelovanje Humanisticnih Ved SOCINDEX 0587-5161
Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work Review SOCINDEX 2463-4131
Applied Psychology in Criminal Justice SOCINDEX 1550-3550
Applied Research in Health & Social Sciences: Interface & Interaction / Sveikatos ir Socialiniu Mokslu Taikomieji Tyrimai: Sandura ir Saveika SOCINDEX 1822-3338
Apuntes: Reflexiones teolo´gicas desde el margen hispano. ATLAS 0279-9804
Aramaic Studies. ATLAS 1477-8351
Arete SOCINDEX 0885-9787
Armed Forces & Society (0095327X) SOCINDEX 0095-327X
ARTS: The Arts in Religious and Theological Studies. ATLAS 1093-1643
Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work & Development (Department of Social Work, National University of Singapore) SOCINDEX 0218-5385
Asian & Pacific Migration Journal (Scalabrini Migration Center) SOCINDEX 0117-1968
Asian Ethnicity SOCINDEX 1463-1369
Asian Ethnology. ATLAS 1882-6865
Asian Folklore Studies. ATLAS 0385-2342
Asian Journal of Social Psychology SOCINDEX 1367-2223
Asian Journal of Social Science SOCINDEX 1568-4849
Asian Perspective SOCINDEX 0258-9184
Asian Population Studies SOCINDEX 1744-1730
Asian Social Work & Policy Review SOCINDEX 1753-1403
Asia-Pacific Journal on Human Rights & the Law SOCINDEX 1388-1906
Asia-Pacific Population Journal SOCINDEX 0259-238X
Asia-Pacific Social Science Review SOCINDEX 0119-8386
Athenea Digital (Revista de Pensamiento e Investigación Social) SOCINDEX 1578-8946
Auburn Center Background Report. ATLAS
Auburn Studies. ATLAS
Austin Seminary Bulletin (Faculty ed.). ATLAS 0191-8613
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology (Australian Academic Press) SOCINDEX 0004-8658
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy SOCINDEX 0814-723X
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Public Health SOCINDEX 1326-0200
Australian Feminist Studies SOCINDEX 0816-4649
Australian Journal of Anthropology SOCINDEX 1035-8811
Australian Journal of Social Issues (Australian Council of Social Service) SOCINDEX 0157-6321
Australian Journal of Social Issues (Australian Social Policy Association) SOCINDEX 0157-6321
Australian Social Work SOCINDEX 0312-407X
Bangladesh e-Journal of Sociology SOCINDEX 1819-8465
Baptist History and Heritage. ATLAS 0005-5719
Baptistic Theologies. ATLAS 1803-618X
Basic & Applied Social Psychology SOCINDEX 0197-3533
Baylor Journal of Theatre and Performance. ATLAS 1553-0469
Behavior & Social Issues SOCINDEX 1064-9506
Beliefs & Values (Springer Publishing Company, Inc.) SOCINDEX 1942-0617
Benefits: The Journal of Poverty & Social Justice SOCINDEX 0962-7898
Berliner Journal für Soziologie SOCINDEX 0863-1808
Biblica. ATLAS 0006-0887
Biblical Archaeologist. ATLAS 0006-0895
Biblical Interpretation. ATLAS 0927-2569
Biblical Research: Journal of the Chicago Society of Biblical Research. ATLAS 0067-6535
Bibliotheca sacra. ATLAS 0006-1921
Biodemography & Social Biology SOCINDEX 1948-5565
Black Theology: An International Journal. ATLAS 1476-9948
Black Women, Gender & Families SOCINDEX 1935-2743
BMS: Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique (l’Association Internationale de Méthodologie Sociologique (AIMS)) SOCINDEX 0759-1063
Brethren Life and Thought. ATLAS 0006-9663
British Journal of Addiction SOCINDEX 0952-0481
British Journal of Addiction (to Alcohol & Other Drugs) SOCINDEX 0007-0890
British Journal of Community Justice SOCINDEX 1475-0279
British Journal of Politics & International Relations SOCINDEX 1369-1481
British Journal of Social Psychology SOCINDEX 0144-6665
British Journal of Social Work SOCINDEX 0045-3102
British Journal of Sociology SOCINDEX 0007-1315
Brood & Rozen: Tijdschrift voor de Geschiedenis van Sociale Bewegingen SOCINDEX 1370-7477
Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs SOCINDEX 1528-7084
Buddhist Studies Review: Journal of the UK Association for Buddhist Studies. ATLAS 0265-2897
Budhi. ATLAS 0118-5942
Bulletin – Council on the Study of Religion. ATLAS 0002-7170
Bulletin de Litte´rature Eccle´siastique. ATLAS 0007-4322
Bulletin for Biblical Research. ATLAS 1065-223X
Bulletin for the Study of Religion. ATLAS 2041-1863
Bulletin of the Evangelical Theological Society. ATLAS 0361-5138
Cairo Papers in Social Science SOCINDEX 1110-659X
Calvin Theological Journal. ATLAS 0008-1795
Canadian Ethnic Studies SOCINDEX 0008-3496
Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health SOCINDEX 0713-3936
Canadian Journal of Criminology SOCINDEX 0704-9722
Canadian Journal of Criminology & Criminal Justice SOCINDEX 0704-9722
Canadian Journal of Family Law SOCINDEX 0704-1225
Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality SOCINDEX 1188-4517
Canadian Journal of Latin American & Caribbean Studies (Canadian Association of Latin American & Caribbean Studies (CALACS)) SOCINDEX 0826-3663
Canadian Journal of Law & Society/Revue Canadienne Droit et Societe (University of Toronto Press) SOCINDEX 0829-3201
Canadian Journal of Social Research SOCINDEX
Canadian Journal of Sociology SOCINDEX 0318-6431
Canadian Journal of Urban Research SOCINDEX 1188-3774
Canadian Journal on Aging SOCINDEX 0714-9808
Canadian Review of Sociology SOCINDEX 1755-6171
Canadian Review of Sociology & Anthropology SOCINDEX 0008-4948
Canadian Social Work SOCINDEX 1488-0318
Capital & Class SOCINDEX 0309-8168
Caribbean Journal of Criminology SOCINDEX 0799-3897
Caribbean Journal of Criminology & Public Safety SOCINDEX 2073-5405
Caribbean Journal of Criminology & Social Psychology SOCINDEX 1025-5591
Caribbean Journal of Social Work SOCINDEX 0799-1215
Catholic Biblical Quarterly. ATLAS 0008-7912
CESifo Economic Studies SOCINDEX 1610-241X
Chaplaincy Today: The Journal of the Association of Professional Chaplains. ATLAS 1099-9183
Character & Personality SOCINDEX 0730-6407
Chicago Theological Seminary Register. ATLAS 0739-5124
Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal SOCINDEX 0738-0151
Child & Family Social Work SOCINDEX 1356-7500
Child & Youth Care Forum SOCINDEX 1053-1890
Child & Youth Services SOCINDEX 0145-935X
Child Abuse Review SOCINDEX 0952-9136
Child Care in Practice SOCINDEX 1357-5279
Child Development SOCINDEX 0009-3920
Child Study Journal SOCINDEX 0009-4005
Child Welfare SOCINDEX 0009-4021
Child: Care, Health & Development SOCINDEX 0305-1862
Children & Schools SOCINDEX 1532-8759
Children & Society SOCINDEX 0951-0605
Children, Youth & Environments SOCINDEX 1546-2250
Children’s Services: Social Policy, Research & Practice SOCINDEX 1093-9644
Chinese Sociological Review SOCINDEX 2162-0555
Chinese Sociology & Anthropology SOCINDEX 0009-4625
Christian Century. ATLAS 0009-5281
Christian Education Journal. ATLAS 0739-8913
Christianity and Crisis: A Christian Journal of Opinion. ATLAS 0009-5745
Christianity and Literature. ATLAS 0148-3331
Christianity Today. ATLAS 0009-5753
Church & Society. ATLAS 0037-7805
Church History and Religious Culture. ATLAS 1871-241X
Church History: Studies in Christianity & Culture. ATLAS 0009-6407
City & Community SOCINDEX 1535-6841
City & Society SOCINDEX 0893-0465
Civilisations SOCINDEX 0009-8140
Clinical Social Work Journal SOCINDEX 0091-1674
Clinical Supervisor SOCINDEX 0732-5223
Colloquium. ATLAS 0588-3237
Columbia Human Rights Law Review SOCINDEX 0090-7944
Columbia Journal of Law & Social Problems SOCINDEX 0010-1923
Communal Societies SOCINDEX 0739-1250
Communio viatorum. ATLAS 0010-3713
Community, Work & Family SOCINDEX 1366-8803
Comparative and Continental Philosophy. ATLAS 1757-0638
Comparative Civilizations Review SOCINDEX 0733-4540
Comparative Islamic Studies. ATLAS 1740-7125
Comparative Sociology SOCINDEX 1569-1322
Concepts & Transformation SOCINDEX 1384-6639
Concordia Journal. ATLAS 0145-7233
Concordia Theological Monthly. ATLAS 0010-5279
Concordia Theological Quarterly. ATLAS 0038-8610
Conference of Theological Librarians Summary of Proceedings. ATLAS 1548-4122
Conflict Management & Peace Science (Routledge) SOCINDEX 0738-8942
Congregations: the Alban journal. ATLAS 1816-2800
Conrad Grebel Review. ATLAS 0829-044X
Constellations: An International Journal of Critical & Democratic Theory SOCINDEX 1351-0487
Contact: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Pastoral Studies. ATLAS 1352-0806
Contemporary Drug Problems SOCINDEX 0091-4509
Contemporary Family Therapy: An International Journal SOCINDEX 0892-2764
Contemporary Issues & Ideas in Social Sciences SOCINDEX 1817-4604
Contemporary Jewry SOCINDEX 0147-1694
Contemporary Justice Review SOCINDEX 1028-2580
Contemporary Social Science SOCINDEX 2158-2041
Continuum (Chicago, Ill). ATLAS 0010-7786
Continuum (St. Xavier College (Chicago, Ill)). ATLAS 1085-9934
Conversations with the Biblical World. ATLAS 2169-3994
Corvinus Journal of Sociology & Social Policy SOCINDEX 2061-5558
Council of Societies for the Study of Religion Bulletin. ATLAS 1060-1635
Councilor: A Journal of the Social Studies SOCINDEX 1056-0335
Counseling & Values SOCINDEX 0160-7960
Counseling et Spiritualite´. ATLAS 0713-3383
Counseling in India SOCINDEX 1930-2959
Covenant Quarterly (Online). ATLAS
Covenant Quarterly. ATLAS 0361-0934
Crime, Law & Social Change SOCINDEX 0925-4994
Criminal Behaviour & Mental Health SOCINDEX 0957-9664
Criminal Justice Ethics SOCINDEX 0731-129X
Criminal Justice Review (Georgia State University) SOCINDEX 0734-0168
Criminologica SOCINDEX
Criswell Theological Review. ATLAS 0892-5712
Critical Criminology SOCINDEX 1205-8629
Critical Sociology (Brill Academic Publishers) SOCINDEX 0896-9205
Critical Studies SOCINDEX 0923-411X
Croatian Journal Educational / Hrvatski Casopis za Odgoj I Obrazovanje SOCINDEX 1848-5189
Cross Accent: Journal of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians. ATLAS 2151-1772
Cross Currents: The Journal of the Association for Religion and Intellectual Life. ATLAS 0011-1953
Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture SOCINDEX 2040-4344
Crux: A Quarterly Journal of Christian Thought and Opinion. ATLAS 0011-2186
CTM. ATLAS 0090-9823
Cuadernos de teologi´a. ATLAS 0326-6737
Cultic Studies Review SOCINDEX 1539-0152
Cultural Anthropology (Wiley-Blackwell) SOCINDEX 0886-7356
Cultural Encounters: A Journal for the Theology of Culture. ATLAS 1550-4891
Cultural Politics SOCINDEX 1743-2197
Cultural Studies SOCINDEX 0950-2386
Cultural Studies Review SOCINDEX 1446-8123
Culture & Society: Journal of Social Research / Kultura ir Visuomene: Socialiniu Tyrimu Zurnalas SOCINDEX 2029-4573
Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research SOCINDEX 2000-1525
Culture, Society & Masculinities SOCINDEX 1941-5583
Current Anthropology SOCINDEX 0011-3204
Currents in Theology and Mission. ATLAS 0098-2113
Czech & Slovak Social Work / Sociální Práce / Sociálna Práca SOCINDEX 1213-6204
Czech Sociological Review SOCINDEX 0038-0288
Darkmatter Journal: In the Ruins of Imperial Culture SOCINDEX 2041-3254
Data & Research: SDA Info / Data a Vyzkum: SDA Info SOCINDEX 1802-8152
Daughters of Sarah. ATLAS 0739-1749
Dead Sea Discoveries: a journal of current research on the scrolls and related literature. ATLAS 0929-0761
Death Studies SOCINDEX 0748-1187
Debates en Sociología SOCINDEX 0254-9220
Demographic Research SOCINDEX 1435-9871
Demography SOCINDEX 0070-3370
Der Islam: Zeitschrift fu¨r Geschichte und Kultur des islamischen Orients. ATLAS 0021-1818
Deutsches Aerzteblatt International SOCINDEX 1866-0452
Deviant Behavior SOCINDEX 0163-9625
Dhaulagiri: Journal of Sociology & Anthropology SOCINDEX 1994-2664
Dialogue & Alliance. ATLAS 0891-5881
Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought. ATLAS 0012-2157
Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies SOCINDEX 1044-2057
Didaskalia (Otterburne, Man.): The Journal of Providence Theological Seminary. ATLAS 0847-1266
Die Welt des Islams: Internationale Zeitschrift fu¨r die Geschichte des Islams in der Neuzeit. ATLAS 0043-2539
Direction: A Mennonite Brethren Forum. ATLAS 0384-8515
Directions: Research & Policy on Eliminating Racism SOCINDEX 1700-2109
Disability, Handicap & Society SOCINDEX 0267-4645
Disciples History Magazine. ATLAS
Discipliana: The Quarterly Historical Journal of the Disciples of Christ Historical Society. ATLAS 0732-9881
Discourse of Sociological Practice SOCINDEX 1527-778X
Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education SOCINDEX 0159-6306
Distinktion: Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory SOCINDEX 1600-910X
Diversities SOCINDEX 2079-6595
Diversity & Equality in Health & Care SOCINDEX 2049-5471
Diversity in Health & Care SOCINDEX 1759-1422
Diversity in Health & Social Care SOCINDEX 1743-1913
Drugs & Society SOCINDEX 8756-8233
Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy SOCINDEX 0968-7637
Druzboslovne Razprave SOCINDEX 0352-3608
Duke Divinity School Bulletin. ATLAS 0190-4523
Duke Divinity School Review. ATLAS 0012-7078
Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy SOCINDEX 1090-1043
Early Christianity. ATLAS 1868-7032
Eastern Buddhist. ATLAS 0012-8708
Eastern Christian Art. ATLAS 1781-0930
Ecclesiology. ATLAS 1744-1366
eCOMMUNITY: International Journal of Mental Health & Addiction SOCINDEX 1705-4583
Economic Development & Cultural Change SOCINDEX 0013-0079
Economics & Sociology SOCINDEX 2071-789X
Ecotheology. ATLAS 1363-7320
Ecumenica: Journal of Theatre and Performance. ATLAS 1942-4558
The Ecumenical Review. ATLAS 0013-0796
Education & Treatment of Children SOCINDEX 0748-8491
Educational Sciences / Odgojne Znanosti SOCINDEX 1846-1204
Edwardsville Journal of Sociology SOCINDEX 1552-3268
e-Journal of Social & Behavioural Research in Business SOCINDEX 1838-8485
Electronic International Journal of Time Use Research SOCINDEX 1860-9937
Electronic Journal of Sociology SOCINDEX 1198-3655
EMPIRIA: Revista de Metodología de Ciencias Sociales SOCINDEX 1139-5737
Employee Responsibilities & Rights Journal SOCINDEX 0892-7545
Encounter. ATLAS 0013-7081
Enfances, Familles, Generations SOCINDEX 1708-6310
Ensaios e monografias. ATLAS 1807-2461
Enterprise & Work Innovation Studies SOCINDEX 1646-1223
Ephemerides theologicae Lovanienses. ATLAS 0013-9513
Espacio Abierto. Cuaderno Venezolano de Sociología SOCINDEX 1315-0006
Estudios eclesia´sticos: Revista trimestral de investigacio´n e informacio´n teolo´gica. ATLAS 0210-1610
Estudios Migratorios SOCINDEX 1136-0291
Estudios Sociales: Revista de Investigación Científica SOCINDEX 0188-4557
Estudios Sociológicos SOCINDEX 0185-4186
Ethics & Social Welfare SOCINDEX 1749-6535
Ethiek & Maatschappij SOCINDEX 1373-0975
Ethnic & Racial Studies SOCINDEX 0141-9870
Ethnicity & Health SOCINDEX 1355-7858
Ethnicity (16915844) SOCINDEX 1691-5844
Ethnicity Studies / Etniskumo Studijos SOCINDEX 1822-1041
Ethnology SOCINDEX 0014-1828
Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology SOCINDEX 0014-1844
Ethos (00912131) SOCINDEX 0091-2131
European Journal for Church and State Research. ATLAS 1370-5954
European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law & Criminal Justice SOCINDEX 0928-9569
European Journal of Population SOCINDEX 0168-6577
European Journal of Social Education SOCINDEX 1810-4789
European Journal of Social Quality SOCINDEX 1461-7919
European Journal on Criminal Policy & Research SOCINDEX 0928-1371
European Papers on the New Welfare SOCINDEX 1970-8939
European Review of Latin American & Caribbean Studies (Centre for Latin American Research & Documentation (CEDLA)) SOCINDEX 0924-0608
European Review of Social Psychology SOCINDEX 1046-3283
European Societies SOCINDEX 1461-6696
European Sociological Review SOCINDEX 0266-7215
European Work & Organizational Psychologist SOCINDEX 0960-2003
Evidence & Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate & Practice SOCINDEX 1744-2648
Ex auditu: An International Journal of Theological Interpretation of Scripture. ATLAS 0883-0053
Exchange: Journal of Missiological and Ecumenical Research. ATLAS 0166-2740
Family & Community History SOCINDEX 1463-1180
Family & Consumer Sciences Research Journal SOCINDEX 1077-727X
Family and Community Ministries (Online). ATLAS
Family and Community Ministries: Empowering through Faith. ATLAS 1935-5408
Family Coordinator SOCINDEX 0014-7214
Family Law Quarterly SOCINDEX 0014-729X
Family Matters SOCINDEX 1030-2646
Family Planning Perspectives SOCINDEX 0014-7354
Family Process SOCINDEX 0014-7370
Family Relations SOCINDEX 0197-6664
Family Therapy: The Journal of the California Graduate School of Family Psychology SOCINDEX 0091-6544
Family Violence Prevention & Health Practice SOCINDEX 1556-4827
Feminist Issues SOCINDEX 0270-6679
Feminist Studies SOCINDEX 0046-3663
Fides et historia: Journal of the Conference on Faith and History. ATLAS 0884-5379
Fieldwork in Religion. ATLAS 1743-0615
Filosofija, Sociologija SOCINDEX 0235-7186
Finnish Journal of Ethnicity & Migration SOCINDEX 1796-6582
Finnish Yearbook of Population Research SOCINDEX 1796-6183
First Peoples Child & Family Review SOCINDEX 1708-489X
First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion and Public Life. ATLAS 1047-5141
Food, Culture & Society SOCINDEX 1552-8014
Forum for Anthropology & Culture SOCINDEX 1815-8870
Forum on Crime & Society SOCINDEX 1020-9212
Forum: Qualitative Social Research SOCINDEX 1438-5627
Foundations. ATLAS 0015-8992
French Politics, Culture & Society SOCINDEX 1537-6370
Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies SOCINDEX 0160-9009
Future of Children SOCINDEX 1054-8289
Gender & Education SOCINDEX 0954-0253
Gender & History SOCINDEX 0953-5233
Gender & Language SOCINDEX 1747-6321
Gender & Research / Gender a Výzkum SOCINDEX 2570-6578
Gender, Equal Opportunities, Research / Gender, Rovne, Prilezitosti, Vyzkum SOCINDEX 1213-0028
Gender, Work & Organization SOCINDEX 0968-6673
Generations SOCINDEX 0738-7806
Geographical Journal SOCINDEX 0016-7398
Geographical Review SOCINDEX 0016-7428
German Politics & Society SOCINDEX 1045-0300
Global Ageing: Issues & Action SOCINDEX 1729-3472
Global Crime SOCINDEX 1744-0572
Global Networks SOCINDEX 1470-2266
Globe (0311-3930) SOCINDEX 0311-3930
Graduate Journal of Social Science SOCINDEX 1572-3763
Greek Orthodox Theological Review. ATLAS 0017-3894
Grounded Theory Review SOCINDEX 1556-1542
HAGAR: Studies in Culture, Polity & Identities SOCINDEX 1565-3323
Hamdard Islamicus: Quarterly Journal of Studies and Research in Islam. ATLAS 0250-7196
Hartford Quarterly. ATLAS 0440-3347
Harvard Theological Review. ATLAS 0017-8160
Hawwa: Journal of Women of the Middle East and the Islamic World. ATLAS 1569-2078
Health & Human Rights: An International Journal SOCINDEX 1079-0969
Health & Social Work SOCINDEX 0360-7283
Health Sociology Review SOCINDEX 1446-1242
Health, Risk & Society SOCINDEX 1369-8575
Hebrew Union College Annual. ATLAS 0360-9049
Himalayan Journal of Sociology & Anthropology SOCINDEX
Historia y Sociedad (01218417) SOCINDEX 0121-8417
Historical Social Research SOCINDEX 0172-6404
Historical Social Research – Supplement SOCINDEX 0936-6784
History of the Family SOCINDEX 1081-602X
Homiletic (Online). ATLAS
Homiletic: A Review of Publications in Religious Communication. ATLAS 0738-0534
Hong Kong Journal of Social Work SOCINDEX 0219-2462
Horizons in Biblical Theology: An International Dialogue. ATLAS 0195-9085
Horizons: The Journal of the College Theology Society. ATLAS 0360-9669
Housing & Society SOCINDEX 0888-2746
Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge SOCINDEX 1540-5699
Human Geographies — Journal of Studies & Research in Human Geography SOCINDEX 1843-6587
Human Nature SOCINDEX 1045-6767
Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance SOCINDEX 2330-3131
Human Studies SOCINDEX 0163-8548
Human Technology SOCINDEX 1795-6889
Humanity & Society SOCINDEX 0160-5976
Humboldt Journal of Social Relations SOCINDEX 0160-4341
IASSI Quarterly SOCINDEX 0970-9061
Idea (15231712) SOCINDEX 1523-1712
Iliff Review. ATLAS 0019-1795
ILR Review SOCINDEX 0019-7939
Impact: A Journal of Thought of Disciples of Christ on the Pacific Slope. ATLAS 0194-0422
Implicit Religion: Journal of the Centre for the Study of Implicit Religion and Contemporary Spirituality. ATLAS 1463-9955
Impulso SOCINDEX 0103-7676
Indo-Iranian Journal. ATLAS 0019-7246
Innovation (10128050) SOCINDEX 1012-8050
Innovation in Social Sciences Research SOCINDEX 1360-6263
Innovation: The European Journal of Social Sciences SOCINDEX 1351-1610
International Bulletin of Mission Research. ATLAS 2396-9393
International Bulletin of Missionary Research. ATLAS 0272-6122
International Criminal Justice Review (Georgia State University) SOCINDEX 1057-5677
International Criminal Law Review SOCINDEX 1567-536X
International Journal for the Psychology of Religion. ATLAS 1050-8619
International Journal of Action Research SOCINDEX 1861-1303
International Journal of Ageing & Later Life SOCINDEX 1652-8670
International Journal of Children’s Rights SOCINDEX 0927-5568
International Journal of Comparative Sociology (Brill Academic Publishers) SOCINDEX 0020-7152
International Journal of Conflict Management SOCINDEX 1044-4068
International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences SOCINDEX 0973-5089
International Journal of Cultic Studies SOCINDEX 2154-7270
International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities & Nations SOCINDEX
International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities & Nations: Annual Review SOCINDEX 1447-9532
International Journal of Humanitites SOCINDEX 1735-5060
International Journal of Japanese Sociology SOCINDEX 0918-7545
International Journal of Labour Research SOCINDEX 2076-9806
International Journal of Law, Policy & the Family SOCINDEX 1360-9939
International Journal of Mass Emergencies & Disasters SOCINDEX 0280-7270
International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics SOCINDEX 1740-8296
International Journal of Narrative Therapy & Community Work SOCINDEX 1446-5019
International Journal of Organization Theory & Behavior (PrAcademics Press) SOCINDEX 1093-4537
International Journal of Peace Studies SOCINDEX 1085-7494
International Journal of Politics, Culture & Society SOCINDEX 0891-4486
International Journal of Practical Theology. ATLAS 1430-6921
International Journal of Public Theology. ATLAS 1872-5171
International Journal of Regional & Local Studies SOCINDEX 1750-0478
International Journal of Sexual Health SOCINDEX 1931-7611
International Journal of Social Quality SOCINDEX 1757-0344
International Journal of Social Research Methodology SOCINDEX 1364-5579
International Journal of Social Welfare SOCINDEX 1369-6866
International Journal of Sociology SOCINDEX 0020-7659
International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture & Food SOCINDEX 0798-1759
International Journal of Sociology of the Family SOCINDEX 0020-7667
International Journal of Transpersonal Studies. ATLAS 1321-0122
International Journal of Urban & Regional Research SOCINDEX 0309-1317
International Journal on Multicultural Societies SOCINDEX 1817-4574
International Journal on World Peace SOCINDEX 0742-3640
International Migration Review SOCINDEX 0197-9183
International Perspectives in Victimology SOCINDEX
International Review of Mission. ATLAS 0020-8582
International Review of Modern Sociology SOCINDEX 0973-2047
International Review of Sociology SOCINDEX 0390-6701
International Social Science Journal SOCINDEX 0020-8701
International Social Science Review SOCINDEX 0278-2308
Interpersona SOCINDEX 1981-6472
Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology. ATLAS 0020-9643
Ìrìnkèrindò: A Journal of African Migration SOCINDEX 1540-7497
Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies SOCINDEX 1393-7022
Irish Journal of Sociology SOCINDEX 0791-6035
Is, Guc: The Journal of Industrial Relations & Human Resources SOCINDEX 1303-2860
Islamic Law & Society SOCINDEX 0928-9380
Issues in Child Abuse Accusations SOCINDEX 1043-8823
ITU Journal Series B: Social Sciences SOCINDEX 1303-7013
Ius Canonicum SOCINDEX 0021-325X
Jahrbuch fu¨r Liturgik und Hymnologie. ATLAS 0075-2681
Janus SOCINDEX 1235-7812
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies. ATLAS 0304-1042
Jewish Bible Quarterly. ATLAS 0792-3910
Jewish Social Studies SOCINDEX 0021-6704
Jewish Sociology & Social Research SOCINDEX
Jewish Studies Quarterly. ATLAS 0944-5706
Journal for Islamic Studies. ATLAS 0257-7062
Journal for Preachers. ATLAS 1057-266X
Journal for Social Action in Counseling & Psychology SOCINDEX
Journal for Specialists in Group Work SOCINDEX 0193-3922
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion SOCINDEX 0021-8294
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. ATLAS 0021-8294
Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman Period. ATLAS 0047-2212
Journal for the Study of Radicalism SOCINDEX 1930-1189
Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture. ATLAS 1749-4907
Journal for the Study of the New Testament. ATLAS 0142-064X
Journal for the Study of the Old Testament. ATLAS 0309-0892
Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour SOCINDEX 0021-8308
Journal of Addictions & Offender Counseling SOCINDEX 1055-3835
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma SOCINDEX 1092-6771
Journal of Aging & Social Policy SOCINDEX 0895-9420
Journal of Agrarian Change SOCINDEX 1471-0358
Journal of American Ethnic History SOCINDEX 0278-5927
Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions. ATLAS 1569-2116
Journal of Applied Christian Leadership. ATLAS 1933-3978
Journal of Applied Social Psychology SOCINDEX 0021-9029
Journal of Artificial Societies & Social Simulation SOCINDEX 1460-7425
Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work SOCINDEX 1084-7219
Journal of Biblical and Pneumatological Research. ATLAS 1944-107X
Journal of Biblical Literature. ATLAS 0021-9231
Journal of Chemical Dependency Treatment SOCINDEX 0885-4734
Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse SOCINDEX 1067-828X
Journal of Child & Family Studies SOCINDEX 1062-1024
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse SOCINDEX 1053-8712
Journal of Chinese Religions. ATLAS 0737-769X
Journal of Church and State. ATLAS 0021-969X
Journal of Clinical Activities, Assignments & Handouts in Psychotherapy Practice SOCINDEX 1532-3285
Journal of Clinical Pastoral Work. ATLAS 2156-6682
Journal of Community Positive Practices SOCINDEX 1582-8344
Journal of Community Practice SOCINDEX 1070-5422
Journal of Community Psychology SOCINDEX 0090-4392
Journal of Comparative Family Studies SOCINDEX 0047-2328
Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology & Sociology SOCINDEX 2068-0317
Journal of Comparative Social Welfare SOCINDEX 1748-6831
Journal of Contemporary Anthropology SOCINDEX 2150-3311
Journal of Counseling & Development SOCINDEX 0748-9633
Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy SOCINDEX 1533-2691
Journal of Creativity in Mental Health SOCINDEX 1540-1383
Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology SOCINDEX 0091-4169
Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology (08852731) SOCINDEX 0885-2731
Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology & Police Science SOCINDEX 0022-0205
Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology SOCINDEX 0169-3816
Journal of Cultural Diversity SOCINDEX 1071-5568
Journal of Current Chinese Affairs SOCINDEX 1868-1026
Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs SOCINDEX 1868-1034
Journal of Developing Societies (Brill Academic Publishers) SOCINDEX
Journal of Discipleship & Family Ministry. ATLAS
Journal of Divorce & Remarriage SOCINDEX 1050-2556
Journal of Dual Diagnosis SOCINDEX 1550-4263
Journal of Economic & Social Measurement SOCINDEX 0747-9662
Journal of Ecumenical Studies. ATLAS 0022-0558
Journal of Educational Sociology SOCINDEX 0885-3525
Journal of Emotional Abuse SOCINDEX 1092-6798
Journal of Empirical Legal Studies SOCINDEX 1740-1453
Journal of Empirical Theology. ATLAS 0922-2936
Journal of Employment Counseling SOCINDEX 0022-0787
Journal of Employment Discrimination Law SOCINDEX 1528-1337
Journal of Ethnic & Migration Studies SOCINDEX 1369-183X
Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice SOCINDEX 1537-7938
Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse SOCINDEX 1533-2640
Journal of European Baptist Studies. ATLAS 1213-1520
Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work SOCINDEX 1543-3714
Journal of Evidence-Informed Social Work SOCINDEX 2376-1407
Journal of eWorking SOCINDEX 1872-3284
Journal of Experimental Criminology SOCINDEX 1573-3750
Journal of Family Ministry. ATLAS 1055-2308
Journal of Family Psychotherapy SOCINDEX 0897-5353
Journal of Family Social Work SOCINDEX 1052-2158
Journal of Family Studies SOCINDEX 1322-9400
Journal of Family Theory & Review SOCINDEX 1756-2570
Journal of Family Therapy SOCINDEX 0163-4445
Journal of Family Violence SOCINDEX 0885-7482
Journal of Family Welfare SOCINDEX 0022-1074
Journal of Feminist Family Therapy SOCINDEX 0895-2833
Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion. ATLAS 8755-4178
Journal of Forensic Social Work SOCINDEX 1936-928X
Journal of Gambling Issues SOCINDEX 1910-7595
Journal of Gender & Social Issues SOCINDEX 1813-9892
Journal of Gender Studies SOCINDEX 0958-9236
Journal of Genocide Research SOCINDEX 1462-3528
Journal of Global South Studies SOCINDEX 2476-1397
Journal of Groups in Addiction & Recovery SOCINDEX 1556-035X
Journal of Hate Studies SOCINDEX 1540-2126
Journal of Health & Human Behavior SOCINDEX 0095-9006
Journal of Health & Social Behavior SOCINDEX 0022-1465
Journal of Health & Social Policy SOCINDEX 0897-7186
Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy SOCINDEX 0885-4726
Journal of Health Services Research & Policy SOCINDEX 1355-8196
Journal of HIV/AIDS Prevention & Education for Adolescents & Children SOCINDEX 1069-837X
Journal of HIV/AIDS Prevention in Children & Youth SOCINDEX 1553-8346
Journal of Homosexuality SOCINDEX 0091-8369
Journal of Housing for the Elderly SOCINDEX 0276-3893
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment SOCINDEX 1091-1359
Journal of Humanistic Counseling SOCINDEX 2159-0311
Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education & Development SOCINDEX 1931-0293
Journal of Humanistic Education & Development SOCINDEX 0735-6846
Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Services SOCINDEX 1536-2949
Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies SOCINDEX 1556-2948
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences & Humanities SOCINDEX 1979-8431
Journal of Injury & Violence Research SOCINDEX 2008-2053
Journal of International Diversity SOCINDEX 2152-6486
Journal of International Migration & Integration SOCINDEX 1488-3473
Journal of Investigative Psychology & Offender Profiling SOCINDEX 1544-4759
Journal of Jewish Communal Service SOCINDEX 0022-2089
Journal of Korean Geriatric Psychiatry SOCINDEX 1226-6329
Journal of Korean Religions. ATLAS 2093-7288
Journal of Latin American Theology: Christian Reflections from the Latino South. ATLAS 1669-8649
Journal of Latino-Latin American Studies (JOLLAS) SOCINDEX 1549-9502
Journal of Law & Society SOCINDEX 0263-323X
Journal of Loss & Trauma SOCINDEX 1532-5024
Journal of Marital & Family Therapy SOCINDEX 0194-472X
Journal of Marriage & Family SOCINDEX 0022-2445
Journal of Mathematical Sociology SOCINDEX 0022-250X
Journal of Men’s Studies SOCINDEX 1060-8265
Journal of Ministry in Addiction & Recovery SOCINDEX 1053-8755
Journal of Moravian History. ATLAS 1933-6632
Journal of Multicultural Counseling & Development SOCINDEX 0883-8534
Journal of Multicultural Social Work SOCINDEX 1042-8224
Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs SOCINDEX 1360-2004
Journal of Offender Rehabilitation SOCINDEX 1050-9674
Journal of Pastoral Care. ATLAS 0022-3409
Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling. ATLAS 1542-3050
Journal of Pastoral Theology. ATLAS 1064-9867
Journal of Pentecostal Theology. ATLAS 0966-7369
Journal of Personal & Interpersonal Loss SOCINDEX 1081-1443
Journal of Personality SOCINDEX 0022-3506
Journal of Police Crisis Negotiations SOCINDEX 1533-2586
Journal of Policy Practice SOCINDEX 1558-8742
Journal of Political & Military Sociology SOCINDEX 0047-2697
Journal of Population Research SOCINDEX 1443-2447
Journal of Population Studies SOCINDEX 1018-3841
Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions SOCINDEX 1098-3007
Journal of Poverty SOCINDEX 1087-5549
Journal of Poverty & Social Justice SOCINDEX 1759-8273
Journal of Psychology & Human Sexuality SOCINDEX 0890-7064
Journal of Psychology & Theology: An Evangelical Forum for the Integration of Psychology and Theology. ATLAS 0091-6471
Journal of Psychopathology & Behavioral Assessment SOCINDEX 0882-2689
Journal of Psychotherapy in Independent Practice SOCINDEX 1522-9580
Journal of Public Child Welfare SOCINDEX 1554-8732
Journal of Quantitative Criminology SOCINDEX 0748-4518
Journal of Qur’anic Studies. ATLAS 1465-3591
Journal of Race & Policy SOCINDEX 1540-8450
Journal of Reformed Theology. ATLAS 1872-5163
Journal of Refugee Studies SOCINDEX 0951-6328
Journal of Religion & Abuse SOCINDEX 1521-1037
Journal of Religion in Africa. ATLAS 0022-4200
Journal of Religious Ethics. ATLAS 0384-9694
Journal of Religious Gerontology SOCINDEX 1050-2289
Journal of Religious Leadership. ATLAS 1935-6943
Journal of Religious Thought. ATLAS 0022-4235
Journal of Research on Adolescence (Wiley-Blackwell) SOCINDEX 1050-8392
Journal of Ritual Studies. ATLAS 0890-1112
Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology & Crime Prevention SOCINDEX 1404-3858
Journal of Semitic Studies. ATLAS 0022-4480
Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy SOCINDEX 0092-623X
Journal of Sex Education & Therapy SOCINDEX 0161-4576
Journal of Sex Research SOCINDEX 0022-4499
Journal of Sexual Aggression SOCINDEX 1355-2600
Journal of Shi?a Islamic Studies. ATLAS 1748-9423
Journal of Social & Evolutionary Systems SOCINDEX 1061-7361
Journal of Social & Psychological Sciences SOCINDEX 1756-7483
Journal of Social Affairs SOCINDEX 1025-059X
Journal of Social Behavior & Personality SOCINDEX 0886-1641
Journal of Social Change SOCINDEX 1931-1540
Journal of Social Development in Africa SOCINDEX 1012-1080
Journal of Social Distress & the Homeless SOCINDEX 1053-0789
Journal of Social Forces SOCINDEX 1532-1282
Journal of Social History SOCINDEX 0022-4529
Journal of Social Issues SOCINDEX 0022-4537
Journal of Social Justice SOCINDEX 2164-7100
Journal of Social Philosophy SOCINDEX 0047-2786
Journal of Social Policy Studies SOCINDEX 1727-0634
Journal of Social Psychology SOCINDEX 0022-4545
Journal of Social Service Research SOCINDEX 0148-8376
Journal of Social Structure SOCINDEX 1529-1227
Journal of Social Welfare & Family Law SOCINDEX 0964-9069
Journal of Social Work Education SOCINDEX 1043-7797
Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life & Palliative Care SOCINDEX 1552-4256
Journal of Social Work in Long-Term Care SOCINDEX 1533-2624
Journal of Social Work Practice SOCINDEX 0265-0533
Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions SOCINDEX 1533-256X
Journal of Social Work Research & Evaluation SOCINDEX 1521-3668
Journal of Social Work Values & Ethics SOCINDEX 1553-6947
Journal of Society & Social Work SOCINDEX 1302-7867
Journal of Socio-Economics SOCINDEX 1053-5357
Journal of Sociolinguistics SOCINDEX 1360-6441
Journal of Spiritual Formation & Soul Care. ATLAS 1939-7909
Journal of Substance Use SOCINDEX 1465-9891
Journal of Teaching in Marriage & Family SOCINDEX 1535-0762
Journal of Teaching in Social Work SOCINDEX 0884-1233
Journal of Technology in Human Services SOCINDEX 1522-8835
Journal of the American Academy of Religion. ATLAS 0002-7189
Journal of the American Institute of Criminal Law & Criminology SOCINDEX 0885-4173
Journal of the Canadian Church Historical Society. ATLAS 0008-3208
Journal of the Economic & Social History of the Orient SOCINDEX 0022-4995
Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society. ATLAS 0360-8808
Journal of the History of Sexuality SOCINDEX 1043-4070
Journal of the Interdenominational Theological Center. ATLAS 0092-6558
Journal of the Lutheran Historical Conference. ATLAS 2330-4146
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute SOCINDEX 1359-0987
Journal of the Society for Social Work & Research SOCINDEX 2334-2315
Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Europe (JSAE) SOCINDEX 1535-5632
Journal of the Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis, including the papers read and abstract of proceedings for. ATLAS 1069-8337
Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics. ATLAS 1540-7942
Journal of Theological Interpretation. ATLAS 1936-0843
Journal of Theological Studies. ATLAS 0022-5185
Journal of Theology for Southern Africa. ATLAS 0047-2867
Journal of Theta Alpha Kappa. ATLAS 8756-4785
Journal of Third World Studies SOCINDEX 8755-3449
Journal of Traumatic Stress SOCINDEX 0894-9867
Journal of Turkish Sleep Medicine SOCINDEX 2148-1504
Journal of Unification Studies. ATLAS 1097-1769
Journal of Urban Affairs SOCINDEX 0735-2166
Journal of Women & Aging SOCINDEX 0895-2841
Journal of Women’s Health SOCINDEX 1059-7115
Journal of Women’s Health & Gender-Based Medicine SOCINDEX 1524-6094
Journal of Women’s Health (15409996) SOCINDEX 1540-9996
Journal of World-Systems Research SOCINDEX 1076-156X
Journal of Youth & Adolescence SOCINDEX 0047-2891
Journal of Youth Ministry. ATLAS 1541-0412
Journal of Youth Studies SOCINDEX 1367-6261
Judaica Librarianship. ATLAS 0739-5086
Jurisprudencija SOCINDEX 1392-6195
Kairo´s (Guatemala): Revista publicada por el Seminario Teolo´gico Centroamericano. ATLAS 1014-9341
Kakovostna Starost SOCINDEX 1408-869X
Kerygma und Dogma: Zeitschrift fu¨r theologische Forschung und kirchliche Lehre. ATLAS 0023-0707
Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie & Sozialpsychologie SOCINDEX 0023-2653
Kotuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences SOCINDEX 1177-083X
Laboratorium: Russian Review of Social Research SOCINDEX 2076-8214
Labour, Capital & Society SOCINDEX 0706-1706
Latin American Indian Literatures Journal: A Review of American Indian Texts and Studies. ATLAS 0888-5613
Law & Philosophy SOCINDEX 0167-5249
Law & Social Inquiry SOCINDEX 0897-6546
Law & Society Review SOCINDEX 0023-9216
Learning & Teaching in the Social Sciences SOCINDEX 1740-5866
Lexington Theological Quarterly (Online). ATLAS
Lexington Theological Quarterly. ATLAS 0024-1628
Lithuanian Ethnology: Studies in Social Anthropology & Ethnology / Lietuvos Etnologija: Socialines Antropologijos ir Etnologijos Studijos SOCINDEX 1392-4028
Liturgical Ministry. ATLAS 1059-7786
Living (15381420) SOCINDEX 1538-1420
Living Pulpit (Online). ATLAS
Living Pulpit. ATLAS 1059-2733
Ljetopis Socijalnog Rada / Annual of Social Work SOCINDEX 1846-5412
Logia: A Journal of Lutheran Theology. ATLAS 1064-0398
Loss, Grief & Care SOCINDEX 8756-4610
Low Intensity Conflict & Law Enforcement SOCINDEX 0966-2847
Loyola Journal of Social Sciences SOCINDEX 0971-4960
Lusotopie SOCINDEX 1257-0273
Lutas Sociais SOCINDEX 1415-854X
Luther: Zeitschrift der Luther-Gesellschaft. ATLAS 0340-6210
Lutheran Historical Conference: Essays and Reports. ATLAS 0090-3817
Lutheran Mission Matters. ATLAS 2470-1874
Lutheran Quarterly. ATLAS 0024-7499
Lutherjahrbuch: Organ der internationalen Lutherforschung. ATLAS 0342-0914
MAI Review SOCINDEX 1177-5904
Marriage & Family Living SOCINDEX 0885-7059
Mass Communication & Society SOCINDEX 1520-5436
Master’s Seminary Journal. ATLAS 1066-3959
Max Weber Studies SOCINDEX 1470-8078
Mental Health, Religion & Culture SOCINDEX 1367-4676
Mennonite Quarterly Review. ATLAS 0025-9373
Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism SOCINDEX 1536-6936
Method & Theory in the Study of Religion. ATLAS 0943-3058
Methodological Innovations Online SOCINDEX 1748-0612
Michigan Family Review SOCINDEX 1094-0952
Michigan Journal of Race & Law SOCINDEX 1095-2721
Michigan Sociological Review SOCINDEX 1934-7111
Mid-America Journal of Theology. ATLAS 0887-1760
Mid-Stream: The Ecumenical Movement Today. ATLAS 0544-0653
Migracijske i etnicke teme SOCINDEX 1333-2546
Migrations & Identities SOCINDEX 1753-9021
Millennium: Jahrbuch zu Kultur und Geschichte des ersten Jahrtausends n. Chr. = Yearbook on the Culture and History of the First Millennium C.E.. ATLAS 1867-030X
Mind & Society SOCINDEX 1593-7879
Missio apostolica. ATLAS 1068-3151
Missiology: An International Review. ATLAS 0091-8296
Mission Studies: Journal of the International Association for Mission Studies. ATLAS 0168-9789
Missouri Electronic Journal of Sociology SOCINDEX
Mobilities SOCINDEX 1745-0101
Modern Believing. ATLAS 1353-1425
Modern Churchman. ATLAS 0026-7597
Modern Theology. ATLAS 0266-7177
Mortality SOCINDEX 1357-6275
Mugla Sitki Kocman University Journal of Social Sciences SOCINDEX 1302-7824
Multicultural Education SOCINDEX 1068-3844
Muqarnas: An Annual on the Visual Culture of the Islamic World. ATLAS 0732-2992
Muslim World. ATLAS 0027-4909
National Journal of Sociology SOCINDEX 0892-4287
Nationalities Papers SOCINDEX 0090-5992
Nations & Nationalism SOCINDEX 1354-5078
Near Eastern Archaeology. ATLAS 1094-2076
Nederlands archief voor kerkgeschiedenis. ATLAS 0028-2030
Negotiation & Conflict Management Research SOCINDEX 1750-4708
Neotestamentica. ATLAS 0254-8356
Neue Zeitschrift fu¨r systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie. ATLAS 0028-3517
Neue Zeitschrift fu¨r Systematische Theologie. ATLAS
New Directions for Mental Health Services SOCINDEX 0193-9416
New Directions for Student Leadership SOCINDEX 2373-3349
New Directions for Youth Development SOCINDEX 1533-8916
New England Journal on Criminal & Civil Confinement SOCINDEX 0740-8994
New Genetics & Society SOCINDEX 1463-6778
New Zealand Population Review SOCINDEX 0111-199X
New Zealand Sociology SOCINDEX 0112-921X
Newsletter (Alpha Kappa Delta) SOCINDEX
Newsletter of the Conference on Christianity and Literature. ATLAS 1943-2712
Newspaper Research Journal SOCINDEX 0739-5329
Nomadic Peoples SOCINDEX 0822-7942
Nouvelles Perspectives en Sciences Sociales SOCINDEX 1712-8307
Nova religio. ATLAS 1092-6690
Novum testamentum: An International Quarterly for New Testament and Related Studies. ATLAS 0048-1009
Numen: International Review for the History of Religions. ATLAS 0029-5973
NURTURE: Journal of Pakistan Home Economics Association SOCINDEX 1994-1625
NWSA Journal SOCINDEX 1040-0656
Occasional Bulletin of Missionary Research. ATLAS 0364-2178
Occasional Bulletin. ATLAS 0026-606X
Occasional Papers in Sociology & Anthropology SOCINDEX
Ogbomoso Journal of Theology. ATLAS 1115-232X
Oikos: Lithuanian Migration & Diaspora Studies SOCINDEX 1822-5152
Omega: Journal of Death & Dying SOCINDEX 0030-2228
Oracle: The Research Journal of the Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors SOCINDEX
Orate Fratres. ATLAS 0196-6898
Orientalia. ATLAS 0030-5367
Outlines: Critical Practice Studies SOCINDEX 1904-0210
Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies. ATLAS 0897-3644
Pakistan Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology SOCINDEX 1727-4931
Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences (PJSS) SOCINDEX 2074-2061
Pakistan Journal of Women’s Studies SOCINDEX 1024-1256
Pakistan Perspectives SOCINDEX 1810-5858
Pakistan Vision SOCINDEX 1681-5742
Papers on Social Representations SOCINDEX 1021-5573
Patterns of Prejudice SOCINDEX 0031-322X
Peace & Change SOCINDEX 0149-0508
Peace Review SOCINDEX 1040-2659
PentecoStudies: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Research on the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements. ATLAS 2041-3599
Perkins Journal. ATLAS 0730-2142
Perkins School of Theology journal. ATLAS 0031-5451
Personal Relationships SOCINDEX 1350-4126
Personnel & Guidance Journal SOCINDEX 0031-5737
Perspective (Pittsburgh). ATLAS 0031-5907
Perspectives (University of New Hampshire) SOCINDEX
Perspectives in Religious Studies. ATLAS 0093-531X
Philippine Sociological Review SOCINDEX 0031-7810
Philosophy & Social Action SOCINDEX 0377-2772
Phronema. ATLAS 0819-4920
Pistes: Perspectives Interdisciplinaires sur le Travail et la Santé SOCINDEX 1481-9384
Pittsburgh Perspective. ATLAS 0031-5893
Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies. ATLAS 0272-0965
Polemos SOCINDEX 1331-5595
Polish Sociological Review SOCINDEX 1231-1413
Política & Sociedade: Revista de Sociologia Política SOCINDEX 1677-4140
Política Criminal: Revista Electrónica Semestral de Políticas Públicas en Materias Penales SOCINDEX 0718-3399
Political Theology. ATLAS 1462-317X
Pomegranate: The International Journal of Pagan Studies. ATLAS 1528-0268
Population & Development Review SOCINDEX 0098-7921
Population (16342941) SOCINDEX 1634-2941
Population Research & Policy Review SOCINDEX 0167-5923
Population Studies SOCINDEX 0032-4728
Portuguese Journal of Social Science SOCINDEX 1476-413X
Practical Theology. ATLAS 1756-073X
Presbyterion: Covenant Seminary Review. ATLAS 0193-6212
Prism: A Theological Forum for the United Church of Christ. ATLAS 0887-5049
Pro Ecclesia. ATLAS 1063-8512
Proceedings (Grand Rapids, Mich.). ATLAS 0887-7165
Protosociology: An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research SOCINDEX 1434-4319
Przeglad Socjologii Jakosciowej SOCINDEX 1733-8069
Psychoanalytic Social Work SOCINDEX 1522-8878
Public Opinion Quarterly SOCINDEX 0033-362X
Public Voices SOCINDEX 1072-5660
Pure Land (Berkeley, Calif.): Journal of Pure Land Buddhism. ATLAS 0911-7660
Pure Land: Journal of European Shin Buddhism. ATLAS 0388-8703
Qualitative Research Journal (RMIT Training Pty Ltd trading as RMIT Publishing) SOCINDEX 1448-0980
Qualitative Sociology Review SOCINDEX 1733-8077
Qualitative Studies SOCINDEX 1903-7031
Quarterly (Alpha Kappa Delta) SOCINDEX
Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast & Audio Media SOCINDEX 1476-4504
Rajagiri Journal of Social Development SOCINDEX 0973-3086
Razprave in Gradivo – Treaties & Documents SOCINDEX 0354-0286
Recherches Philosophiques: revue de la Faculte´ de philosophie de l’Institut Catholique de Toulouse. ATLAS 1778-8099
Recherches sociographiques SOCINDEX 0034-1282
Reclaiming Children & Youth SOCINDEX 1089-5701
Reconstructionist: A Journal of Contemporary Jewish Thought & Practice. ATLAS 0034-1495
Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping SOCINDEX 1080-0220
Reformation & Renaissance Review. ATLAS 1462-2459
Reformation: the Journal of the Tyndale Society. ATLAS 1357-4175
Reformed Journal. ATLAS 0486-252X
Reformed Theological Review. ATLAS 0034-3072
Religion & Society in Central & Eastern Europe SOCINDEX 1553-9962
Religion & Theology. ATLAS 1023-0807
Religion and American Culture: A Journal of Interpretation. ATLAS 1052-1151
Religion and Intellectual Life. ATLAS 0741-0549
Religion and the Arts. ATLAS 1079-9265
Religion East & West: Journal of the Institute for World Religions. ATLAS 1539-2430
Religion in the News. ATLAS 1525-7207
Religions of South Asia. ATLAS 1751-2689
Religious Education. ATLAS 0034-4087
Religious Studies and Theology. ATLAS 0829-2922
Religious Studies Bulletin. ATLAS 0710-0655
Religious Studies Review. ATLAS 0319-485X
Research & Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities SOCINDEX 1540-7969
Research in Human Development SOCINDEX 1542-7609
Residential Treatment for Children & Youth SOCINDEX 0886-571X
Restoration Quarterly. ATLAS 0486-5642
Review & Expositor. ATLAS 0034-6373
Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal SOCINDEX 1553-3697
Review of Rabbinic Judaism. ATLAS 1568-4857
Review of Social Economy SOCINDEX 0034-6764
Revija za Socijalnu Politiku SOCINDEX 1330-2965
Revija za Sociologiju SOCINDEX 0350-154X
Revista Anagramas SOCINDEX 1692-2522
Revista Argentina de Sociología SOCINDEX 1667-9261
Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais SOCINDEX 0254-1106
Revista Cuicuilco SOCINDEX 0185-1659
Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala SOCINDEX 1583-3410
Revista de Estudios Sociales SOCINDEX 0123-885X
Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociologicas SOCINDEX 0210-5233
Revista Internacional Interdisciplinar INTERthesis SOCINDEX 1807-1384
Revista Kavilando SOCINDEX 2027-2391
Revista Lusofona de Educacao SOCINDEX 1645-7250
Revista Romana de Comunicare si Relatii Publice SOCINDEX 1454-8100
Revista Romana de Sociologie SOCINDEX 1224-9262
Revista Trabajo Social SOCINDEX 0123-4986
Road to Emmaus: a Journal of Orthodox Faith and Culture. ATLAS 1544-4856
Romanian Journal of Communication & Public Relations SOCINDEX 1454-8100
Romanian Sociology / Sociologie Româneascâ SOCINDEX 1220-5389
Rural Social Work & Community Practice SOCINDEX 1833-3060
Rural Society SOCINDEX 1037-1656
Rural Sociology SOCINDEX 0036-0112
Rural Theology: International, Ecumenical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives. ATLAS 1470-4994
SA. Sociological Analysis: A Journal in the Sociology of Religion. ATLAS 0038-0210
SA: Sociological Analysis SOCINDEX 0038-0210
Saint Luke’s Journal of Theology. ATLAS 0036-309X
Saúde e Sociedade SOCINDEX 0104-1290
Scandinavian Journal of Social Welfare SOCINDEX 0907-2055
Science et Esprit. ATLAS 0316-5345
Scientific Annals of the ‘Al. I. Cuza’ University, Iasi. Sociology & Social Work / Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii ‘Al. I. Cuza’ Iasi Sociologie si Asistenta Sociala SOCINDEX 2065-3131
Scientific Annals of the ‘Alexandru Ioan Cuza’ University of Iasi: Economic Sciences Series SOCINDEX 0379-7864
Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care SOCINDEX 1478-1840
Scripta Theologica. ATLAS 0036-9764
Security & Social Order Strategic Studies SOCINDEX 2322-1453
Selcuk University Social Sciences Institute Journal SOCINDEX 1302-1796
Semeia: An Experimental Journal for Biblical Criticism. ATLAS 0095-571X
Sewanee Theological Review. ATLAS 1059-9576
Sex Roles SOCINDEX 0360-0025
Sexual Abuse in Australia & New Zealand SOCINDEX 1833-8488
Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research & Treatment SOCINDEX 1079-0632
Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity SOCINDEX 1072-0162
Sexuality & Culture SOCINDEX 1095-5143
Shane Quarterly. ATLAS 0362-4609
Signs: Journal of Women in Culture & Society SOCINDEX 0097-9740
Sivil Toplum: Dusunce & Aastirma Dergisi SOCINDEX 1303-9377
Smith College Studies in Social Work SOCINDEX 0037-7317
Social & Cultural Geography SOCINDEX 1464-9365
Social & Economic Studies SOCINDEX 0037-7651
Social Advocacy & Systems Change SOCINDEX 1948-3023
Social Alternatives SOCINDEX 0155-0306
Social Analysis SOCINDEX 0155-977X
Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale SOCINDEX 0964-0282
Social Behavior & Personality: an international journal SOCINDEX 0301-2212
Social Biology SOCINDEX 0037-766X
Social Development SOCINDEX 0961-205X
Social Development Issues SOCINDEX 0147-1473
Social Dynamics SOCINDEX 0253-3952
Social Education / Socialinis Ugdymas SOCINDEX 1392-9569
Social Forces SOCINDEX 0037-7732
Social History SOCINDEX 0307-1022
Social Identities SOCINDEX 1350-4630
Social Indicators Research SOCINDEX 0303-8300
Social Influence SOCINDEX 1553-4510
Social Issues & Policy Review SOCINDEX 1751-2395
Social Justice SOCINDEX 1043-1578
Social Justice & Activism Papers SOCINDEX
Social Justice in Context SOCINDEX 1558-8912
Social Justice Research SOCINDEX 0885-7466
Social Movement Studies SOCINDEX 1474-2837
Social Policy & Administration SOCINDEX 0144-5596
Social Policy Journal SOCINDEX 1533-2942
Social Policy Journal of New Zealand SOCINDEX 1172-4382
Social Process in Hawaii SOCINDEX 0737-6871
Social Progress. ATLAS
Social Psychology (0147829X) SOCINDEX 0147-829X
Social Psychology of Education SOCINDEX 1381-2890
Social Psychology Quarterly SOCINDEX 0190-2725
Social Research SOCINDEX 0037-783X
Social Research Reports SOCINDEX 2066-6861
Social Research Update SOCINDEX 1360-7898
Social Science Japan Journal SOCINDEX 1369-1465
Social Science Journal SOCINDEX 0362-3319
Social Science Quarterly (University of Texas Press) SOCINDEX 0038-4941
Social Science Quarterly (Wiley-Blackwell) SOCINDEX 0038-4941
Social Sciences & Missions SOCINDEX 1874-8937
Social Sciences (1392-0758) SOCINDEX 1392-0758
Social Sciences and Missions. ATLAS 1874-8937
Social Sciences Bulletin / Socialo Zinatnu Vestnesis SOCINDEX 1691-1881
Social Sciences in China SOCINDEX 0252-9203
Social Semiotics SOCINDEX 1035-0330
Social Service Review SOCINDEX 0037-7961
Social Theory & Practice SOCINDEX 0037-802X
Social Thought SOCINDEX 0099-183X
Social Thought & Research SOCINDEX 1094-5830
Social Welfare Interdisciplinary Approach SOCINDEX 2029-7424
Social Work SOCINDEX 0037-8046
Social Work & Christianity SOCINDEX 0737-5778
Social Work & Social Sciences Review SOCINDEX 0953-5225
Social Work Education SOCINDEX 0261-5479
Social Work Forum SOCINDEX 1536-691X
Social Work in Public Health SOCINDEX 1937-1918
Social Work Research SOCINDEX 1070-5309
Social Work Review SOCINDEX 0113-7662
Social Work Review / Revista de Asistenta Sociala SOCINDEX 1583-0608
Social, Political & Legal Philosophy SOCINDEX 1571-4993
Socialiniai Tyrimai SOCINDEX 1392-3110
Socialinis Darbas SOCINDEX 1648-4789
Socialiniu Mokslu Studijos SOCINDEX 2029-2236
Sociálni Studia / Social Studies (1214813X) SOCINDEX 1214-813X
Socialno Delo SOCINDEX 0352-7956
Sociation Today SOCINDEX 1542-6300
Sociedade e Estado SOCINDEX 0102-6992
Societies Without Borders SOCINDEX 1871-8868
Society SOCINDEX 0147-2011
Society for the Study of Chinese Religions Bulletin. ATLAS 0271-3446
Society in Transition SOCINDEX 1028-9852
Society: Chinese Journal of Sociology / Shehui SOCINDEX 1004-8804
Society: Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogics SOCINDEX 2221-2795
Socijalna Ekologija SOCINDEX 1330-0113
Socio-Economic Review SOCINDEX 1475-1461
Sociologia SOCINDEX 0049-1225
Sociologia del Diritto SOCINDEX 0390-0851
Sociologia del Lavoro SOCINDEX 0392-5048
Sociologia e Politiche Sociali SOCINDEX 1591-2027
Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale SOCINDEX 1121-1148
Sociologia Ruralis SOCINDEX 0038-0199
Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas SOCINDEX 0873-6529
Sociológica SOCINDEX 0187-0173
Sociological Analysis SOCINDEX 0038-0210
Sociological Analysis (Worcester, Mass.). ATLAS 0038-0210
Sociological Focus SOCINDEX 0038-0237
Sociological Forum SOCINDEX 0884-8971
Sociological Inquiry SOCINDEX 0038-0245
Sociological Methodology SOCINDEX 0081-1750
Sociological Origins SOCINDEX 1557-9727
Sociological Quarterly SOCINDEX 0038-0253
Sociological Research SOCINDEX 1061-0154
Sociological Review SOCINDEX 0038-0261
Sociological Review (1908-1952) SOCINDEX 0038-0261
Sociological Review Monograph SOCINDEX 0081-1769
Sociological Spectrum SOCINDEX 0273-2173
Sociological Theory SOCINDEX 0735-2751
Sociologie & Sociétés SOCINDEX 0038-030X
Sociologie de l’ Art SOCINDEX 0779-1674
Sociologija i prostor / Sociology & Space SOCINDEX 1846-5226
Sociologija: Mintis ir Veiksmas SOCINDEX 1392-3358
Sociology Compass SOCINDEX 1751-9020
Sociology of Education SOCINDEX 0038-0407
Sociology of Health & Illness SOCINDEX 0141-9889
Sociology of Religion SOCINDEX 1069-4404
Sociology of Religion. ATLAS 1069-4404
Sociology of Sport Journal SOCINDEX 0741-1235
Socioloska Luca SOCINDEX 1800-6167
Sociometry SOCINDEX 0038-0431
SOJOURN: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia SOCINDEX 0217-9520
Sosyal Bilimler Arastirmalari Dergisi SOCINDEX 1309-9302
Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi/Journal of Social Sciences SOCINDEX 1305-5143
Sosyoloji Dergisi / Journal of Sociology SOCINDEX 1304-2998
Sotsiologhiya Goroda SOCINDEX 1994-3520
South African Journal of Sociology SOCINDEX
South African Review of Sociology SOCINDEX 2152-8586
South European Society & Politics SOCINDEX 1360-8746
Southeast Asian Journal of Social Science SOCINDEX 0303-8246
Southern Rural Sociology SOCINDEX 0885-3436
Southwestern Journal of Theology. ATLAS 0038-4828
Soviet & Post-Soviet Review SOCINDEX 1075-1262
Spaces & Flows: An International Journal of Urban & Extra Urban Studies SOCINDEX 2154-8684
Springfielder. ATLAS 0884-2825
St Vladimir’s Seminary Quarterly. ATLAS 0360-6481
St Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly. ATLAS 0036-3227
Stone-Campbell Journal. ATLAS 1097-6566
Studia Ethnologica Croatica SOCINDEX 1330-3627
Studia Socjologiczne SOCINDEX 0039-3371
Studies in Conflict & Terrorism SOCINDEX 1057-610X
Studies in Cultures, Organizations & Societies SOCINDEX 1024-5286
Studies in Gender & Sexuality SOCINDEX 1524-0657
Studies in Interreligious Dialogue. ATLAS 0926-2326
Studies in Nepali History & Society SOCINDEX 1025-5109
Studies in Social Justice SOCINDEX 1911-4788
Studies in World Christianity. ATLAS 1354-9901
Surveillance & Society SOCINDEX 1477-7487
Svensk exegetisk a°rsbok. ATLAS 1100-2298
Svensk missionstidskrift. ATLAS 0346-217X
Swiss Journal of Sociology SOCINDEX 0379-3664
Taiwanese Sociology SOCINDEX 1680-2969
Taoist Resources. ATLAS 1061-8805
Teaching Sociology SOCINDEX 0092-055X
Temenos. ATLAS 0497-1817
Texas Journal on Civil Liberties & Civil Rights SOCINDEX 1930-2045
Thamyris/Intersecting: Place, Sex & Race SOCINDEX 1381-1312
Themelios. ATLAS 0307-8388
Theoforum. ATLAS 1495-7922
Theological Education. ATLAS 0040-5620
Theological Educator: A Journal of Theology and Ministry. ATLAS 0198-6856
Theological Studies. ATLAS 0040-5639
Theologische Rundschau. ATLAS 0040-5698
Theology & Sexuality. ATLAS 1355-8358
Theology & Sexuality: The Journal of the Institute for the Study of Christianity & Sexuality SOCINDEX 1355-8358
Theology Today. ATLAS 0040-5736
The´ophilyon: revue des Faculte´s de the´ologie et de philosophie de l’Universite´ catholique de Lyon. ATLAS 1270-2056
Theoria: A Journal of Social & Political Theory SOCINDEX 0040-5817
Theory & Society SOCINDEX 0304-2421
Third World Quarterly SOCINDEX 0143-6597
Thymos: Journal of Boyhood Studies SOCINDEX 1931-9045
Touchstone: Heritage and Theology in a New Age. ATLAS 0827-3200
Tradition: A Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought. ATLAS 0041-0608
Trans/Forming Cultures eJournal SOCINDEX 1833-8542
Transcultural Studies: A Series in Interdisciplinary Research SOCINDEX 1930-6253
Transforming Anthropology SOCINDEX 1051-0559
Transit SOCINDEX 1551-9627
Transition (00494429) SOCINDEX 0049-4429
Trayectorias SOCINDEX 2007-1205
Trends & Issues in Crime & Criminal Justice SOCINDEX 0817-8542
Trends in Organized Crime SOCINDEX 1084-4791
Trinity Journal. ATLAS 0360-3032
Trinity Studies. ATLAS 0360-2915
Tyndale Bulletin. ATLAS 0082-7118
Tyndale House Bulletin. ATLAS 1757-0514
Union Seminary Quarterly Review. ATLAS 0362-1545
Universitas Humanistica SOCINDEX 0120-4807
Urban Studies (Routledge) SOCINDEX 0042-0980
URVIO – Revista Latinoamericana de Seguridad Ciudadana SOCINDEX 1390-3691
VEST: Journal of Science & Technology Studies SOCINDEX 0283-6025
Vetus testamentum. ATLAS 0042-4935
Victims & Offenders SOCINDEX 1556-4886
Vigiliae christianae: A Review of Early Christian Life and Language. ATLAS 0042-6032
Virginia Social Science Journal SOCINDEX 0507-1305
Vision (Winnipeg, Man.): a Journal for Church and Theology. ATLAS 1492-7799
Visual Studies SOCINDEX 1472-586X
Vivarium: An International Journal for the Philosophy and Intellectual Life of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. ATLAS 0042-7543
Vulnerable Children & Youth Studies SOCINDEX 1745-0128
Wadabagei: A Journal of the Caribbean & Its Diasporas SOCINDEX 1091-5753
Wagadu: A Journal of Transnational Women’s & Gender Studies SOCINDEX 1545-6196
Wesleyan Theological Journal. ATLAS 0092-4245
Western Criminology Review SOCINDEX 1096-4886
Western Journal of Black Studies SOCINDEX 0197-4327
Westminster Theological Journal. ATLAS 0043-4388
Wisconsin Journal of Law, Gender & Society SOCINDEX 1943-1600
Women in Welfare Education SOCINDEX 1834-4941
Women’s Health & Urban Life SOCINDEX 1499-0369
Women’s Studies SOCINDEX 0049-7878
Word & World: Theology for Christian Ministry. ATLAS 0275-5270
World Cultures SOCINDEX
Worship. ATLAS 0043-941X
Youth & Policy SOCINDEX 0262-9798
Youth Studies Australia SOCINDEX 1038-2569
Zeitschrift fu¨r antikes Christentum. ATLAS 0949-9571
Zeitschrift fu¨r Dialektische Theologie. ATLAS 0169-7536
Zeitschrift fu¨r Dialektische Theologie. Supplement Series. ATLAS 2213-0241
Zeitschrift fu¨r die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft. ATLAS 0044-2526
Zeitschrift fu¨r die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der a¨lteren Kirche. ATLAS 0044-2615
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie SOCINDEX 0044-2666
Zeitschrift für Familienforschung – Journal of Familiy Research SOCINDEX 1437-2940
Zeitschrift fu¨r neuere Theologiegeschichte. ATLAS 0943-7592
Zeitschrift fu¨r Religions- und Geistesgeschichte. ATLAS 0044-3441
Zeitschrift fu¨r Theologie und Kirche. ATLAS 0044-3549
Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science. ATLAS 0591-2385