Seminary Honors Professor Ingrid Mattson

Hartford Seminary held a reception honoring ProfessorIngrid Mattson on Monday, May 7to recognizeher service to the Seminary.

Dr. Mattson, Professor of Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim Relations and Director of the Macdonald Center for the Study of Islam and Chrtistian-Muslim Relations, has been on the Seminary faculty since 1998. She will be leaving for a new post after teaching in Summer Session in June.

Dr. Mattson is the founder of the Seminary?s Islamic Chaplaincy Program, currently headed by Timur Yuskaev. Dr. Mattson also is associate editor of The Muslim World journal, which is edited by Hartford Seminary faculty. Shecompleted her second term as president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) in 2010, after serving two terms as vice-president; she was the first woman to serve in either position.

In remarks at the reception, Dr. Mattson was praised for her scholarship, her service to the community, her leadership, and her piety. Miriam Therese Winter, a fellow faculty member, offered an ode.

Please enjoy these photos of the celebration. Photos

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