Hartford Seminary is pleased to host five research scholars this fall.
Four have arrived in time for the start of the fall semester:
Tri Harmaji is from Indonesia. He is a doctoral student at ICRS Yogya andwill be at the Seminary for five months, researchingthe modern lifestyle and simplicity (how to understand the extravagance of the modern lifestyle from the perspective of religious teaching about simplicity).
Cenan Kuvanci is from Turkey. He is an assistant professor in the Faculty of Theology at Erciyes University. His doctoral dissertation was on religious language and he is now working on analogical language.Cenan will be at the Seminary for four months.In his project proposal, he wrote, “My aim is to make meaningfulness of religious language obvious and clear. Through the theory of meaning, we can probably understand what assertions about God mean and thus avoid equivocation when we construct arguments about God.”
Ursula Sieg is from Germany. A pastor, she will be doing research to see which aspects of theologies of different religions could support dialogue of children and young people regarding religion, philosophy and ethics in schools.Her personal introduction
Fabio HenriquePinheiro de Abreu is from Brazil. Fabio is working on his doctoral dissertationabout the theological method developed by North American theologian Richard Shaull whose work in Brazil in the last century inaugurated a new approach to theological thinking in Latin America. Profile
Also at the Seminary is Kazunori Hamamoto, who is from Japan and came to Hartford Seminary last winter.
A reception was held to welcome the scholars, on Sept. 14: