Hartford Seminary will welcome a diverse circle of participants to its SECOND ANNUALReligious Diversity Leadership Workshop,to be heldSunday evening,June 9through Friday noon, June 14, on the Hartford Seminary campus. Made possible by generous assistance from the Shinnyo-en Foundation, this workshop will combine aspects of “training the trainers” with instruction about religious diversity itself, leadership strategies, and conflict transformation methods.
Dr. Lucinda Mosher, Hartford Seminary’s Faculty Associate for Interfaith Studies and Director of its Multifaith Chaplaincy Program, is the coordinator and lead instructor for the Religious Diversity Leadership Workshop. This year, other presenters will include Joseph Colletti (leadership strategies consultant); Mark Fowler (Tanenbaum Center for Interreligious Understanding); Wakoh Shannon Hickey (Soto Zen priest and Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at Alfred University); Beth Katz (Project Interfaith); Manbeena Kaur (Sikh Coalition); Shyamala Raman (ConnecticutCouncilfor Interreligious Understanding);Daniel Schipani (Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling at the Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary);Amrutur Srinavasan (author ofHinduism for Dummies); Fred Stella (West Michigan Hindu Temple); and members of the Hartford Seminary faculty.
The week will include fieldtrips to houses of worship illustrative of the changing religious landscape of Connecticut. Workshop pedagogy will include large-group and small-group discussion, case-study method, and documentaries. Participants will have opportunity to strategize, with input from colleagues, for their specific contexts and needs.
For more informationabout the program,click here.Academic creditmay be earned for participation in the Religious Diversity Leadership Workshop by completing the requirements for the Hartford Seminary course “Understanding and Engaging Religious Diversity.” Click hereto view the course syllabus.
Spaces Still Available:
Persons interested in applying for one of the few remaining openings in the 2013 Religious Diversity Leadership Workshop should email Tina Demo, Recruitment & Admissions Officer (tdemo@hartsem.edu), providing contact information and a brief description of the nature of their religious leadership or involvement in interreligious matters.