Engaging the Qur?an Through the Arabic Language is a new course for Hartford Seminary, offered for the first time this summer. This unique, three-week long intensive Arabic language course provides students with the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the Qur?an through intensive Arabic language study. Reading and understanding the Qur?an in Arabic is essential for Muslims wishing to gain a deeper understanding of their faith; it is also an important skill for students of all faiths who wish to study Islam. The course is designed for anyone already able to read and write in Arabic script and who is interested in approaching and engaging the Qur?an in its native Arabic language.
This summer?s 6-credit class included 20 individuals, many of whom are Muslims, but several are from the Christian faith tradition. All are eager to advance their skills in the Arabic language, and several have expressed their amazement at how quickly they have progressed in the intensive language study format. The course is taught by Sami Shamma, Adjunct Professor of Qur?anic Arabic.