Chaplains from colleges and universities throughout the Northeast and as far as Duke University gathered on Nov. 8 at Hartford Seminary for a day of professional development and networking.
The chaplains heard first from the Rev. Dr. Tracy Mehr-Muska, a chaplain at Wesleyan University, who gave a plenary session about her Hartford Seminary Doctor of Ministry project on building resilience in college students.
Three breakout workshops followed on Racial Justice Activism with Bishop John Selders, a chaplain at Trinity College; LBGTQ Outreach with the Rev. Jenny Peek, interim associate university chaplain at Yale University; and Standing Up to Fear and Hatred with Interreligious Programs, conducted by three members of the Connecticut Council for Interreligious Understanding — the Rev. Terry Schmitt, the Rev. Donna Manocchio, and Chaplain Aida Mansoor.
Rabbi Barbara Paris, a chaplain at Choate Rosemary Hall, gave the final plenary session. She examined the characteristics of high school students approaching college and brainstormed with the chaplains on creative ways to address growing secularity among young people.