Hartford Seminary’s Board of Trustees has elected James K. Robertson Jr. as its chair. A prominent litigator, Robertson is a partner in the law firm Carmody, Torrance, Sandak, Hennessey LLP, as well as a recently ordained minister.
Robertson is a long-time member of the Hartford Seminary Board, having served as Vice Chairman, Treasurer, and Chair of the Academic Programs Committee. He recently served as Chair of the Search Committee that recommended the new President, Dr. Joel N. Lohr.
Robertson will serve as Interim President after President Heidi Hadsell leaves on June 30 and before Dr. Lohr arrives in mid-July.
“Hartford Seminary is an utterly unique and extremely important institution in today’s world,” he said. “It is the leader in interfaith education and engagement with students and faculty from throughout the world. It trains Muslin Chaplains and international peace-makers, sponsors programs on Women’s Leadership and Transformative Spirituality, educates students heading toward ministry, hosts leading scholarship in the sociology of religion and serves as a public forum for the presentation and exchange of ideas. I am very proud to be a part of it. “
In addition to his service on the board, Robertson is an alumnus and has taught courses in theology, including one called “The Causes and Origins of Evil.”
Robertson has previously chaired the Connecticut Humanities Council and the Connecticut Judicial Selection Commission and has served on many public and private boards.
An honors graduate of Yale University, Robertson is also an honors graduate of the University of Connecticut School of Law. He was ordained as a minister in 2016 and serves as the Associate Minister of the First Congregational Church of Watertown.