The Rev. Dr. David D. Grafton, Interim Academic Dean of Hartford Seminary, is presenting a master class entitled “Islamophobia in the Church: The Responsibility of the Dominant Culture” at the New England Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America this week.
The Synod described the presentation this way:
“Islam and Muslims live under extreme pressure and scrutiny in North American society. And yet, it is often expected that Muslims bear the responsibility for explaining extremism or apologizing for terrorists. This seminar will explore the role that a dominant culture plays in creating a stifling atmosphere, and how Islamophobia is alive and well in the Church. We will also examine the responsibility and opportunities to combat Islamophobia and propose strategies for positive relations with Muslim communities. This educational opportunity is specifically aimed at rostered leaders and their role as public ministers of the Gospel.”
The Synod is taking place in Southbridge, MA.