Huda Alkaff is the Founder and Director of Wisconsin Green Muslims — an environmental justice organization formed in 2005, connecting faith, environmental justice and sustainability through education and service.
Huda serves as a co-chair of the U.S. Climate Action Network 100% Renewable Energy user group and is leading two Wisconsin initiatives — “Faith and Solar” and “Faithful Rainwater Harvesting” — which connect diverse faith communities to the unifying powers of solar and rainwater in a peer-learning circle while building interfaith relationships, advancing equitable solar energy and nature-based solutions to flooding, and strengthening our community.
Huda is an ecologist with higher education degrees in conservation ecology, sustainable development, and environmental education from the University of Georgia, and had experience teaching environmental studies courses at the University of Wisconsin. She has been appointed to serve on the environmental justice task force for the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission.
In 2015, Wisconsin Green Muslims received national awards and recognition for their water and climate change-related work from both GreenFaith and the Interfaith Power and Light. Huda received the 2015 White House Champions of Change for Faith Climate Justice Leaders recognition, the 2016 Sierra Club Great Waters group Environmental Hero of the Year, and in 2017, Huda has been recognized nationally by Environment America as one of the Voices for 100% Renewable Energy. Also, Huda received the 2018 Wisconsin Association for Environmental Education Eco-Justice Award.
Huda is a founding member of Wisconsin Interfaith Power and Light, the Interfaith Earth Network of Southeast Wisconsin, and the national Greening Ramadan | Green Masjid Task Force. She serves on the Milwaukee Environmental Consortium Board of Directors, the Milwaukee Water Commons Advisory Team, and the Wisconsin Water Thinkers Network leadership team. In 2016, Huda served as one of the elected Wisconsin Climate Table leadership team members.