Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for Financial Aid Recipients and/or Veterans:
Student’s receiving federal student aid, or veterans’ benefits must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).
At Hartford Seminary, Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is officially checked at the end of each semester (fall, spring, and summer). Satisfactory academic progress consists of two components: Grade point average and pace. A student must meet both components in order to make satisfactory academic progress.
Grade Point Average
Students who fail to maintain at least a 2.66 G.P.A. either with respect to their cumulative work, or in the work of a given semester, are considered to not be making satisfactory academic progress. In addition the student must comply with Hartford Seminary’s full Academic Probation policy.
Students are required to successfully complete at least 70 percent of all credit hours attempted. Pace is calculated by dividing the cumulative credit hours earned by the cumulative credit hours attempted.
All students who expect to complete a degree at Hartford Seminary must do so within the following maximum time frame, beginning at matriculation:
Master of Arts – 6 years
Doctor of Ministry – 6 years
Graduate Certificate in Islamic Chaplaincy – 3 years
Incomplete Courses
Courses for which a student is granted an incomplete (INC) will count toward cumulative credits attempted but will not be used to determine the cumulative GPA until the grade has been submitted to the Registrar.
Repeated Courses
Credits for each attempt of a course are counted towards the cumulative credits attempted. Only the grade for the second attempt is used in calculating the GPA.
Course Withdrawals
Courses for which a student receives a grade of “W” or “WP” will count towards total credits attempted, but will have no impact on the GPA. Grades of “WF” will count towards total credits attempted, and will factor into the GPA.
Transfer Credits
Transfer credits from other schools will not factor into the GPA calculation, but will count as credits attempted and earned.
Financial Aid Warning
A student, who is determined to not be making SAP, will be sent a letter by the Financial Aid Office informing them that they have been place on Financial Aid Warning and will have one semester to improve their academic performance to a satisfactory level. The student will continue to be eligible to receive aid during this period, provided all other eligibility requirements are met.
Financial Aid Appeal
A student who loses financial aid eligibility because he/she failed to make satisfactory progress may appeal on the basis of: the loss of a family member, the serious illness of the student or a family member, and other situations deemed appropriate. The student is required to submit a letter to the Academic Policy Committee detailing the situation which caused him/her to fail to make satisfactory progress and what has changed in his/her situation that will allow him/her to make satisfactory progress at the next evaluation. If approved, the student will be eligible to receive financial aid for one more semester.
If an appeal is approved but it is determined that it will not be possible for the student to achieve satisfactory progress by the end of the next evaluation period the student will be placed on an academic improvement plan. The student’s progress will continue to be checked at the end of each semester, and if the student fails to meet the requirements of the plan, aid eligibility will be lost.
Financial Aid Probation
A student who does not make SAP after the Financial Aid Warning period, appeals the SAP decision, and whose appeal is granted, is placed on Financial Aid Probation. Only students who have successfully appealed SAP are placed on Financial Aid Probation. A student on Financial Aid Probation may have ab additional condition of following an academic plan, a reduction in course load, or both. While on Financial Aid Probation, the student is eligible to receive Federal aid. At the end of the probationary period if the student is meeting SAP or the student follows the academic plan/reduced work load set by the school, the student continues to receive aid. If Hartford Seminary determines that the student does not meet the minimum SAP requirements at the time of evaluation, or the additional conditions, the student is no longer eligible to receive Federal financial aid funds.
Additionally for Veterans:
For the purpose of VA regulations, the VA is notified immediately after any semester that a veteran does not make SAP. All veterans must comply with Hartford Seminary’s SAP Policy as stated above. No veteran will be certified until SAP has been verified.