Archival Materials – Last Names beginning with G


G., B.A. (initials only) SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Gadd, (Mrs) Robert F. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Gagliesh, Alice SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Gairdner, William Henry Temple
Gale, Nahum
Gallagher, Buell
Gallagher, Buell Gordon SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott
Gallaudet, Thomas Hopkins
[Gallus], George SEE: Carter, Willard Thomas
Galpin, Stanley L.
Galton, William B. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Galton, William W. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Gamble, Connolly C., Jr. SEE: Alden, Frederick Winthrop
Gamble, James Lee (1843-?) – See Box 399, 1874 non-grad. of Theo. Inst. of Ct
Gambrell, Sarah S. ((Mrs.) Wm H. Gambrell) SEE: Chakerian, Charles Garabed
Gammack, Arthur G.
Garber, Paul N. SEE: Wolcott, Robert J.
Gard, Richard Abbot
Gardner, Austin (1826-1911) – See Box 399, 1860 grad. of Theo. Inst. of Ct
Garkida, William Beahn SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Garrett, Robert
See also: Ananikian, Mardiros Harootioon
Garrette, Edmund Young (1823-1902) – See Box 399, 1855 grad. of Theo. Inst. of Ct –’53 in Catalogue
Garrison, Charlotte G. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Garwick, Geoffrey
Gaskell, Benton S.
Gaskins, Frederick A. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Gates, Katherine Van Akin
Gates, Frederick Taylor
Gates, Herbert W. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Gates, Hiram Nichols (1820-?) – SEE Box 399 – 1850 grad. Theo. Inst. of Ct
Gates, Katherine V. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott
SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Gault, Arabella S. SEE: Van Deusen, Courtland
Gaviller, Barbara SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott
Gaylord, William Luther (1831-1882) – See Box 399, 1860 grad. of Theo. Inst. of Ct – Letter, obit
Geahan, Trones SEE: Van Deusen, Courtland
Geer, (no first name) SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Geer, (Prof.) (no first name) SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott
Geer, C.H. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott
Geer, Curtis Manning
See also: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott
Geissler, R. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott
Gellenian, Arthur
Gelston, Willis L. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott
Gennet, Frank E. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott
Gentry, C.B. SEE: Barnes, Rev. William
Georgiana, Djen-dzi Wei Sie
Gerard, Francis C. SEE: Bijlefeld, Willem A.
Gettemy, James Noah
See also: Akesson, Samuel
Alden, Frederick Winthrop
Benson, Russell F.
Breckenridge, John B.
Carter, Willard Thomas
Chakerian, Charles Garabed
Cragg, Albert Kenneth
Gibb, H.A.R. SEE: Cragg, Albert Kenneth
Gilbert, George B. (Rev.) SEE: Barnes, Rev. William
Gilbert, Rodney SEE: Van Deusen, Courtland
Gilbert, W.M. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Gilbert, William SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Gilbert, William M. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Gilberty, Frank R. SEE: Chakerian, Charles Garabed
Gilder, Richard Watson
Gile, Dorothy Caroline Forest SEE: Conant, Liba
Gilkey, Charles W. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott
Gillett, A.L. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott
Gillett, Arthur L. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott
Gillett, (Mrs.) Arthur L. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Gillett, Arthur Lincoln
Gillett, Edward Bates
Gillett, Lucy Douglas
Gillett, (Mrs.) Sara Phillips (Colton)
Gillies, (Rev.) R. SEE: Van Deusen, Courtland
Gillintine, Dixen SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Gillmon, Aloah SEE: Conant, Liba
Gilroy, W.E. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott
Gleason, Alice SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott
Gleason, Alice C. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott
Gleason, Charles Herbert (1840-1905) – See Box 399, 1868 non-grad. of Theo. Inst. of Ct
Gleason, Elizabeth SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott
Gleason, Henry Allan, Jr.
See also: Birge, John Kingsley
Glover, Milton H.
See also: Benson, Russell F.
Glover, T. R.
Glowes, W.G. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott
Glueck, Nelson
Goddard, Burton (Dr.) SEE: Carter, Willard Thomas
Goddard, Charles Grosvenor (1817-1872) – SEE Box 399 – 1849 grad. Theo. Inst. of Ct
Goddard, John Calvin SEE: Twichell, Joseph H.
Goddard, O.E. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Goeben, W.C. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott
Goetsch, F.A. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Goff, Charles W. SEE: Turner, Thomas
Goheen, J.L. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Goheen, John L. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Golden, (no first name) SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Golden, John R. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Goldstein, Sidney E.
Gonzalez, Juan Orts
See also: Capen, Edward Warren
Gonzalez, Juan Ortz SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Goodeaux, C. Bruce (Rev.) SEE: Breckenridge, John B.
Goodell, Charles L.
See also: Barnes, Rev. William
Goodell, John Henry (1844-1909) – See Box 399, 1874 grad. of Theo. Inst. of Ct
Goodell, William
Goodere (spelling?), first name? SEE: Barnes, Rev. William
Goodhue, David SEE: Conant, Liba
Goodlove, D. SEE: Conant, Liba
Goodrich, (no first name) SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Goodrich, George Dickinson (1833-1870) – See Box 399, 1860 grad. of Theo. Inst. of Ct
Goodrich, Chauncey W.
Goodsell, F.F. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Goodsell, Fred Field
See also: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott
Capen, Edward Warren
Goodsell, Fred Field SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott
SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Goodspeed, Edgar J. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott
Goodwin, James L.
See also: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott
Gooerrey, G.F. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott
Gordon, Arthur SEE: Van Deusen, Courtland
Gordon, Donald SEE: Carter, Willard Thomas
Gordon, (Mrs.) Donald C. SEE: Carter, Willard Thomas
Gordon, (Rev.) George A. SEE: Beecher, Henry Ward
Gordon, Linley V.
Gordon, Lyrus H. SEE: Bailey, Moses
Gottshall, Paul H. SEE: Beachey, Alvin
Gould, A.E. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Gould, Canon S. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Gould, Edwin Sprague (1844-1917) – See Box 399, 1872 grad. of Theo. Inst. of Ct
Graham, T.W. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
SEE: Wolcott, Robert J.
Granger, (Miss) (no first name) SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Granger, E.L. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Granger, Effie Louis
Grant, (Mrs.) D. Iglis SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Grant, Edward D. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Grant, Evelyn SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Grant, John B.
See also: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott
Grauer, O.C. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Graut, Evelyn (Mrs. D. Inglis)
Gray, Clifton D.
Gray, Frances SEE: Cragg, Albert Kenneth
Gray, Francis E. (F.E.) SEE: Chakerian, Charles Garabed
Gray, R.W. SEE: Cragg, Albert Kenneth
Greaves, Hubert
Green, Charles Chester
Greene, Richard Gleason
Greene, Theodore Ainsworth
See also: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott
Greenley, Irma Keen (Mrs. Parris Carlisle Greenley) SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Greenley, (Mrs) Parris Carlisle SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Greenly, Irma K. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Greenway, Charles T. SEE: Barnes, Rev. William
Griffin, Edward Dorr
Griffin, Jon C. SEE: Conant, Liba
Griffith-Jones, E.
Grimes, Frank Jesse (1833-1916) – See Box 399, 1874 grad. of Theo. Inst. of Ct
Grimes, Howard SEE: Alden, Frederick Winthrop
Grimshaw, Ivan G. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott
Grobel, Kendrick
Gross, (Mr.)(no first name) SEE: Crawford Asa Robert
Gross, Betty SEE: Banzhaf, Richard F.
SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott
SEE: Underwood, Richard A.
Gross, C. Norwell SEE: Benson, Russell F.
Gross, Charles Welles
See also: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott
Berg, Irving H.
Capen, Edward Warren
Crawford Asa Robert
Gross, (Mrs.) Elizabeth SEE: Underwood, Richard A.
Grossman, Martin Kurt
Grove, Elsie E. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren
Grover, (Mrs.) M.G. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott
Groves, Charles Pelham
Grush, James Winchell (1831-?) – See Box 399, 1862 grad. of Theo. Inst. of Ct
[Gunther] SEE: Carter, Willard Thomas
Gustevel, Louise P. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren

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